020 7791 2855 talktome@positiveeast.org.uk 159 Mile End Road, London E1 4AQ

Movie Night – How to tell a secret

Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom

Our regular monthly Movie Night at Positive East – on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Come along and enjoy a film in the company of others living with HIV, enjoy a warm welcome, pizza and some popcorn. This time we're showing How to tell a secret, the highly acclaimed 2022 film from Ireland. Robbie […]

Alcohol and drug support service

Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom

Twice a month we welcome the RESET Tower Hamlets Service provided by Care Grow Live for two hours at our Stepney Green building. The service works with people who are using any substance, including alcohol, opiates, stimulants, cannabis and new psychoactive drugs. It can provide advice, information and direct you to a variety of different […]

Positive Life – Gay and Bisexual men’s group

Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom

Our monthly group for gay and bisexual men, and men who have sex with men (open to cis and trans men) living with HIV.  Tonight, we will be showing the film “Steelers”, telling the history of the UK’s first gay rugby club, the King’s Cross Steelers.  Come along, enjoy the film and pizza. Meets on […]

Secrets and Stories – Drama workshops – 1 of 4

Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom

Secrets and Stories. A series of four workshops - in collaboration with the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama – to co-develop and co-create some drama pieces drawing on our lived experience of life with HIV, inspired by the film ‘How to tell a secret’ that we’re showing on Movie Night on May 9th.  […]

Kew Gardens visit

We're delighted once again to be able to provide free entry to Kew Gardens as part of our Spring programme of activities - getting out and about in green spaces is so important for our physical, mental and emotional health. This time on a weekend, by popular request, so that families and those who work […]

Secrets and Stories – Drama workshops – 2 of 4

Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom

Secrets and Stories. A series of four workshops – in collaboration with the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama – to co-develop and co-create some drama pieces drawing on our lived experience of life with HIV, inspired by the film ‘How to tell a secret’ that we’re showing on Movie Night on May 9th.  We’d […]

Compassionate Minds: Practising self-compassion (First of 3 opportunities, this one for women)

Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom

Are you living with HIV and ever found your compare yourself negatively with other people , or felt that you’re not good enough? Do you sometimes feel like a failure, or criticise yourself when you make a mistake? If you have said yes to any of these you’re not alone  - and Compassionate Minds could […]

Alcohol and drug support service

Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom

Twice a month we welcome the RESET Tower Hamlets Service provided by Care Grow Live for two hours at our Stepney Green building. The service works with people who are using any substance, including alcohol, opiates, stimulants, cannabis and new psychoactive drugs. It can provide advice, information and direct you to a variety of different […]

Women’s Group

Positive East 159 Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom

Our support group for women living with HIV who live, or get their HIV treatment in, East London.  Offering a safe and supportive environment to help you connect with other women living with HIV, to socialise, have fun and learn and share with each other. It takes place on the last Wednesday of every other […]